

We are your advisor with heart, expertise
and full commitment for your successful

These are our services, structured by all levels of holistic organisational development.

Apart from our consulting and coaching services we provide modular, digital leadership trainings as well as targeted trainings for HR personnell. Practicable, tool-based and accessible through a digital learning platform.

Our core business ist to support individuals, teams and organisations in large and small transformation processes. We provide the following services, among others:
- Development of vision & mission statements as well as strategic alignment
- Corporate culture transformation through value-based leadership
- Corporate culture diagnostics
(Team-)development either happens out of necessity or through insight. Are you and your team fully aligned and ready to learn how to successfully foster a high-performance team culture? Or do you wish to first develop a fundamental level of trust to create a common baseline? We are here to help:
- Development and coaching of high-performing teams
- Conflict mediation for teams and groups
„At the beginning and the end - there is the human being“
Here you can find all our services for individuals:
- Executive coaching & sparring
- Assessment centers for executive & leadership roles
Leadership needs training. Find out more about our digital offerings for leadership training and development in our Jester Leadership Institute.

Great team

Marco Zanolari / Group CEO / The living Circle

„Jester has been accompanying us from the very beginning of our transformation journey. Their involvement spans planning, collaboration, motivation, and implementation. The professional and invigorating approach to teamwork aligns well with our ethos, and we appreciate the straightforward and candid exchanges. We have now established a new and more efficient organizational structure, along with fresh corporate values that are both embraced and cherished. Our heartfelt thanks for this remarkable journey! “

Marco Zanolari / Group CEO / The living Circle

Robert Koch / CEO / Zentralklinik Bad Berka (Rhön-Klinikum AG)

"Working with Jester enables us to understand better and to take an active role in order to really take the necessary steps. I consider an outside view from a professional who reflects the organisation both logically and from the human side to be very valuable. Working with the Jester team is also a lot of fun - we can feel the energy in the teams and among the managers. Things are moving and that really motivates me as Clinic Director!"

Robert Koch / CEO / Zentralklinik Bad Berka (Rhön-Klinikum AG)

Dominique Jäggi / Director / Hirslanden Klinik im Park

"“Jester understood us within a very short time and recognised our issues. They always responded to the unique dynamics of our workshops. They taught us psychological models that we can no longer imagine our everyday working lives without, and they always managed to challenge us. We were met with a great deal of humanity, empathy and love during and after the workshops - and this also brought us closer together as a team. Many thanks for that!”

Dominique Jäggi / Director / Hirslanden Klinik im Park

Patrick Bundeli / CEO / Intersport Switzerland

"Jester has been a key contributor to our transformation process for several years. Their focus on cultural transformation and team development has significantly enhanced our leadership team's alignment. Their workshops provide a solid foundation for effectively implementing our strategy and driving organizational progress.”


Patrick Bundeli / CEO / Intersport Switzerland


Hanspeter Stricker / CFO / Rhan AG

"“The training for our managers by Jester Advisory was extremely exciting and enriching. We recognized blind spots in our understanding of leadership and tackled them together. Jester's practice-orientated approaches have given us a lasting boost for the demands of day-to-day management.”

Hanspeter Stricker / CFO / Rhan AG

Dr. Evan Petkov / Co-Founder & CEO / Optiml

"Jester was critical in setting up the high-performance culture of our young tech startup (ETH Zurich Spin-off). Jim Siermann, our transformation consultant, helped our engineering and technical minds to appreciate the soft skills which we rarely focus on but have been shown to be critical in growing a young company where trust, communication, and feedback are important elements of success. We did several workshops with the founder team and also the first ten hires which set us up for success. Jester’s insights are very helpful and should be considered as part of team building and due diligence processes of tech startups.

Dr. Evan Petkov / Co-Founder & CEO / Optiml

Dr. Evan Petkov / Co-Founder & CEO / Optiml

"Jester war entscheidend für den Aufbau der Hochleistungskultur unseres jungen Tech-Startups (ETH Zürich Spin-off). Jim Siermann, unser Transformationsberater, half unseren Ingenieuren und Technikern, die Soft Skills zu schätzen, auf die wir uns selten konzentrieren, die sich aber als entscheidend für das Wachstum eines jungen Unternehmens erwiesen haben, in dem Vertrauen, Kommunikation und Feedback wichtige Elemente des Erfolgs sind. Wir haben mehrere Workshops mit dem Gründerteam und den ersten zehn Mitarbeitern durchgeführt, die uns auf den Erfolg vorbereitet haben. Die Erkenntnisse von Jester sind sehr hilfreich und sollten als Teil der Teambildung und der Due-Diligence-Prozesse von Tech-Startups berücksichtigt werden."

Dr. Evan Petkov / Co-Founder & CEO / Optiml

Hanspeter Stricker / CFO / Rhan AG

"Die Schulung für unsere Führungskräfte durch Jester Advisory war äußerst spannend und bereichernd. Wir haben blinde Flecken in unserem Führungsverständnis erkannt und sie gemeinsam angegangen. Die praxisnahen Ansätze von Jester haben uns nachhaltig für die Anforderungen des Führungsalltags gestärkt."

Hanspeter Stricker / CFO / Rhan AG

Patrick Bundeli / CEO / Intersport Switzerland

"Jester leistet seit mehreren Jahren einen wichtigen Beitrag zu unserem Transformationsprozess. Ihr Fokus auf kulturellen Wandel und Teamentwicklung hat die Ausrichtung unseres Führungsteams deutlich verbessert. Ihre Workshops bieten eine solide Grundlage für die effektive Umsetzung unserer Strategie und die Förderung des organisatorischen Fortschritts."

Patrick Bundeli / CEO / Intersport Switzerland


Dominique Jäggi / Director / Hirslanden Klinik im Park

"Jester hat uns innerhalb kürzester Zeit verstanden und unsere Probleme erkannt. Sie gingen immer auf die einzigartige Dynamik unserer Workshops ein. Sie haben uns psychologische Modelle beigebracht, die aus unserem Arbeitsalltag nicht mehr wegzudenken sind, und sie haben es immer geschafft, uns herauszufordern. Uns wurde während und nach den Workshops mit viel Menschlichkeit, Empathie und Liebe begegnet - und das hat uns auch als Team näher zusammengebracht. Vielen Dank dafür!"

Dominique Jäggi / Director / Hirslanden Klinik im Park

Robert Koch / CEO / Zentralklinik Bad Berka (Rhön-Klinikum AG)

"Die Zusammenarbeit mit Jester ermöglicht es uns, besser zu verstehen und eine aktive Rolle zu übernehmen, um wirklich die notwendigen Schritte zu unternehmen. Ich halte die Außensicht eines Fachmanns, der die Organisation sowohl logisch als auch von der menschlichen Seite her reflektiert, für sehr wertvoll. Die Arbeit mit dem Jester-Team macht auch sehr viel Spaß - wir können die Energie in den Teams und unter den Managern spüren. Die Dinge sind in Bewegung, und das motiviert mich als Klinikdirektor sehr!"

Robert Koch / CEO / Zentralklinik Bad Berka (Rhön-Klinikum AG)

Marco Zanolari / Group CEO / The living Circle

"Jester hat uns von Anfang an auf unserer Transformationsreise begleitet.Ihr Engagement erstreckt sich auf Planung, Zusammenarbeit, Motivation und Umsetzung.Die professionelle und belebende Herangehensweise an die Teamarbeit passt gut zu unserem Ethos und wir schätzen den unkomplizierten und offenen Austausch.Wir haben nun eine neue und effizientere Organisationsstruktur und neue Unternehmenswerte, die wir schätzen und annehmen. Unser herzlicher Dank für diese bemerkenswerte Reise!"

Marco Zanolari / Group CEO / The living Circle



of leaders

believe that a strong and value-based corporate culture is a key factor for success.


of employees

believe that a strong and value-based corporate culture is a key factor for success.


of global CEOs

predict a stronger focus of workplace talents on corporate culture and values instead of monetary aspects in five years.


of HR professionals

agree that continuous peer feedback and regular check-ins create more successful results.



with highly engaged employees are 21% more profitable.


of employee engagement

is highly depending on their leader.


of leaders

in coaching benefit from higher performance, stronger interpersonal relationships and more effective communication skills.


of companies

report, that investments in coaching have been more than amortized.


of a manager's salary

has to be invested to replace them.


In a gentle way, you can shake the world.

– Mahathma Ghandi

Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out.

– John Wooden

Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.

– Mahathma Ghandi